Thursday, July 26, 2007

R Kelly and Frisbee- the universal language

The much anticipated cold front arrived this morning as we welcomed a group of young adults on to the train for Cyber Ys training. Most of these adults had already finished matric (matriculation of high school) but were not working. The Cyber Ys training is intended to teach these adults how to use a computer in order to facilitate employment.

This afternoon we traveled to Derby which is an extremely rural farm village. Our trip took us off the main roads and onto deep red, earthy paths. We dodged goats and chickens in the road before we arrived at the school where we were to speak to the 9th grade about loveLife. We lead a motivational speak-out in which each loveLife member addressed the kids openly about decisions, change, sex, drugs, and HIV. Drawing on personal experiences and anecdotal stories, the loveLife team captured the kids' attention and was able to get the kids to speak out on these issues as well. Because my Zulu is what you might call a bit rusty at best, I was not able to give a full motivational talk. However, I was able to talk to the kids about the meaning of change, what it takes to get control of your life, and the necessary personal desire for change in order to give yourself the life you deserve.

It was inspiring to listen to the other loveLife members talk and motivate the youth (although I didnt follow everything that was said in Zulu!). When we left the school, kids were excited about loveLife and its mission.

Returning to the train, we had a new group of young adults for Cyber Y's training. Not being able to verbally communicate with the others, I sat down at the DJ booth and picked out some songs for us to listen. I quickly learned that R. Kelly is VERY popular here and just the fact that I knew who he was, let alone knew some of the lyrics, earned me major points with the other loveLife workers and the local kids. I was finally starting to break through with the others!

The weather warmed up and a few of us went outside to toss the frisbee. Although my skills are not refined, I was able to learn tips from the kids, eventhough we didn't speak the same language.

Tonight is the big soccer match- Pirates vs Kaizer Chiefs- and the country is divided. I went to dinner with some of the loveLife crew and the bar would not let us watch the game because we were Chiefs fans! Imagine the Arsenal and Manchester United rivalry in England and you will understand what is going on here in SA right now.

Well I better sign off before the other fans throw my blackberry out the window. But remember, should you find yourself in a situation in which you do not speak the local language, put on some R. Kelly and pull out a frisbee and you are ready to go!


Unknown said...

Hey Kim,

I finally caught up on all your blog entries....what and adventure! It is so amazing to hear about your program, the new people you are meeting, and the way the country runs. Missing you tons already. Have a great rest of your trip and I can't wait to see you soon! I love the pictures...what a beautiful place!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kim its Zolani, Cape town is wet and cold.
It sounds like you are having fun.Im so happy you are enjoying Mzantsi (South Africa) take care