Wednesday, July 18, 2007

LoveLife and LoveTrain Event

Today was the day the loveLife workers have been working toward for weeks - the big loveLife and loveTrain events for the Kaiser Family Foundation visitors and the international journalists. Marcellino picked me up before the sun was even up over Table Mountain. We all piled into cars and drove out to Wetton Station where the loveTrain has been stationed for the past couple of days. Work began immediately as we had to prepare for the guests and the performers from the local schools and high schools.

LoveLife events incorporate dance, drama, singing, drum beating, etc. as well as speak-outs and loveLife messaging for the participants. Kids from the local schools performed with amazing talent. The dancers were incredible and could move their bodies like I never thought possible, even at the young age of 6. Older kids performed dramas detailing lives of teenagers making decisions about sex and dealing with the consequences of their decisions. Some participants were moved by the discussion and performances and took the stage for a speak-out, or an impromptu performance about their feelings regarding sexual health and HIV. In between performances, loveLife workers spoke about the loveLife program and how to be a part of the loveLife generation. Also branded under the Born Free name, the loveLife generation is the idea that children born after Apartheid do not have to succumb to segregation, inequality, and lack of choices. LoveLife works with young children to help them understand they have choices in life but that they must understand the consequences of these choices and how best to make informed decisions.

After the event, the children were given lunch and discussion ensued about loveLife and sexual health. The children were energized and excited by talking about the loveLife program, and that is exactly the goal of these loveLife events.

Exhausted from a long day of activity and energy, Marcellino and I drove to Hout Bay to set up publications for tomorrow's sight visits with the international journalists. The drive to Hout Bay is breathtaking. The road winds around amazing mansions cascading up the hillsides and white sand cliffs dropping off into the coral blue ocean. The sun was setting and it was the deepest red and I felt as though if I followed the clouds to the horizon, it looked as though the ocean met the sky and I could see where the world curves. We drove through Clifton and Camps Bay which have some of the most beautiful architecture and stunning houses I have seen. Marcellino explained that obviously, this was the white part of Cape Town.

I must sign off now as I cannot keep my eyes open another minute. Tomorrow should be another exciting day, beginning with my pick up at the lovely hour of 6:30 am!


Anonymous said...

Kimmy, what you are doing is so cool! I cant wait to see all the pictures from the kids shows, they must be so fun to watch. Love you!

Unknown said...

Kimmie, everything so far sounds so amazing and like you're having an absolute blast... keep writing and post more pictures!

Dee said...

Hi Kim

Sounds like Africa is working its magic on you already - it does not take long and you're hooked for life. Have a wonderful time!!!

Cousin Dee