Friday, July 27, 2007

Lessons in Zulu

Today was my final day with the loveTrain in Piet Retief. The day began once again with the rumble of the generator at 6 am and work began to get ready for our event for the kids from the surrounding farm schools to introduce them to loveLife. Five minutes before the buses of kids arrived, I was told that I was to be the MC for the event. It was my job to get the kids excited and involved in the program. Panic set in as I thought about my difficulties with communication thus far.

Sure enough, the 70 plus kids arrived and I hopped on stage to welcome them. As I stood on stage, mic in hand, I was met with only confused looks. I don't know what the coordinators were thinking by putting me on stage because the kids couldn't understand a word I was saying! Luckily the local groundBREAKER joined me on stage and translated what I had said, at which point the kids roared and cheered.

Remembering what I had learned yesterday, I decided it was much wiser to keep to the entertainment side of the event, and started the kids dancing and interacting. Needless to say, it was quite an experience!

After the welcome entertainment, the kids were broken into groups and attended sessions that included motivation, speak-outs, and take action, which teaches the kids how to make positive changes in their lives by first identifying what needs to be changed. One boy stood up and thanked loveLife for giving him the opportunity to learn how to stay HIV negative and provide him the chance to partake in the program.

After the sessions, we started a large game of ultimate frisbee with the kids. Once again I found that music and sports are the universal language.

Exhausted but also exhilerated by the kids enthusiasm for loveLife, I headed back to Joburg with a few other loveLife members. The drive took us 6 hours as we got stuck in an incredibly strong wind storm which picked up the dirt from the fields and painted the sky a pale brown.

Finally arriving back in Joburg, I joined David Harrison and his family again for dinner. Bright and early tomorrow morning we are all heading to La Palala in the Limpopo province for some game viewing and sleeping under the stars!

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